Dear Valued Partner,
We would like to keep you updated on LoadUp’s current operating status. Currently, we are open and operational on a national scale. At this time, we have no plans for suspending services. However, we are diligently checking for updates from the CDC.
Below is a Q&A of common questions we’ve been asked.
Q: Can you update us on which areas of the country are not operational?
A: We are open nationally at this time. We are continuously checking with the CDC, local municipalities, and with our Loaders to ensure it is safe to continue services. We will notify all partners as soon as possible on any service area suspensions.
Q: What can we as a partner do to mitigate risk?
A: By asking able-bodied customers to leave their return items outside of their dwelling to limit driver/customer interaction. This is not mandatory, but will certainly help mitigate any potential health concerns.
Q: Can you ensure your Loaders do not have Coronavirus?
A: We are vigilantly checking with our Loaders to ensure they personally do not have any symptoms nor have tested positive for coronavirus. Additionally, we are checking to make sure no one close to them has symptoms or has tested positive. Our Loaders will notify us immediately if either is the case and we will have the Loader team suspend their services.
Q: Are the Loader teams taking extra sanitary precautions?
A: Yes. Our Loader teams have been advised to use latex gloves, liberal use of hand sanitizer and masks where available. Additionally, our teams are used to working in various conditions and with items that are in less than sanitary condition, sanitary precautions were already in place and they are prepared to continue uninterrupted.
Q: Will LoadUp’s main office continue to provide support on its normal schedule?
A: Yes. We have implemented a work from home policy for our entire staff and there will be no change to our customer support schedule or level of service.
During these uncertain times we want to remind you that we are here to provide exceptional service with honesty and transparency. Barring any severe changes to the COVID-19 situation, we will continue to be here to support you and your customers needs. If there is any lingering questions about our services, please do not hesitate to ask our support staff.
Greg Workmon
Founder & CEO
LoadUp Technologies, LLC.